less of my thoughts while almost all on my pup and the bf and some snippets of my life.
so i shall start the trend going again lol.
my thoughts
cause of what he said
"blog is supposed to be tainted, not the mind"
an outlet for venting frustration beside the rosy stuff.
I can be calm and be easily provoked by the slightest things.
HE will know it.
Initially, i thought its just my personal problem that i do not like certain things and i shouldnt impose my thoughts on others.
BUT thinking of it, its my blog.
i should write how i feel.
its up to others whether they want to read or not or whether they think i am targeting them or people around them.
By writing about my frustrations, i can better see the "irrationale" behind it.
The cause and effect and the possible solutions and also if the person involved is reading about it, we can tackle the problem together.
BUT no 1 on My Most hated list is stillHER, MKN.
she will never be acknowledged by Me as a friend.
she might be yours but never mine.
i shant pretend to be friendly to her any longer.
Your outings, i will try to accomodate. Dont rush me.
You give me the assurance i need, i give you the peace you want.
its give and take.
and time will tell whether it will work in the long run.
and the day was spent with the bf..
After Vday's meal, decided to give him a treat, at Sakae.
THIS is good.
the "teapot" soup
dinner was simple and good!
its great tasting, crisp and succulent yet not too oily or tough.
the bf bought him this and a new grooming brush.
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