Do u even understand why i HATED HER?
Can u stop telling me that i made u lose a FRIEND?
is this what a FRIEND WILL DO?
tell me.. am i wrong to feel the anger seethin in me IF
-a gal msgin the bf regardless day and night?of mundane things like going where with who and things done.
-a gal msging things like "if you cant sleep can leave voice mail for u"
-a gal who CLAIMS that "all gals talk like that" yar reporting to a friend about everything, not forgetting in a FLIRTATIOUS manner. if your words are not flirtatious, i am a saint.
-a gal who meets the bf alone and not letting me know
-a gal who "doesnt want to meet me cause she is scared of me and almost to tears"
-a gal who stuck to the bf even when i was around in the group and i was left walking at the end, i bet she stuck to him more if i am not around..
-a gal who needs the bf to accompany her through the night
-a gal who accompanied the bf cause he was sad and through the night
-a gal who claims that she wants to divorce but doesnt dare and still fools around with other ppl
- a gal with a kid but still wants to fool around cause havent had enough fun
-a gal who goes out to drink with guys and incurs the wrath of her husband
-a gal who sweet talks to the guys and be ever so helpful and friendly
cant help herself and try to help others. PLS
She will be doing us good by NOT trying to be OVERLY friendly.
if she is a friend, she knows that i am wary of her, dont give me bullshit that she is not trying to do anything
why she did not dare to face me when i said i want to meet her?
meet up and get things clear aint it better?
So afraid of meeting me for what? guilty conscience?
I bet if we broke up she will be the first in the bf's arms.
i made u lose a friend?
U must be blind to NOT see that she has the likings for u
yar yar
all gals flirt like her.. saying things like i am going out le etc etc go where go with who, free call me, cant sleep i leave voice mail etc etc
Asked you what will you do it she express interest in you.
Cause you are just being sociable, she flirts so you accept it.
cause you dont see the reasons why.
U LET HER AFFECT US.u rather made me paranoid and incur my wrath then lose her then.
u kept saying that i am being disrespectful to her, did she show me respect then?
Are you even ready for it?
DO you even know my feelings whenever u do the things u do?
DO you even understand?
NO.i am just a possessive person to you.
Because "you cant help it"
so i cant place blame on you
I BLAME the group then.
you just wan to have your cake and eat it.WHY must i be the one to sacrifice then?
all the late nights, all the conversations, all the outings, all the drinkings..
its always about THEM THEM THEM.
your life revolves around them only.
i am not controlling you to NOT go out with them, i just dont like the late nights, if i dont care i am not your gf.
i can be dont bothered.
you can do the late night stints, i can do it too...see how you will feel then.
you say you will change, if i cant even see it in the present you, there is no future to look forward to whatsoever.
you will just be SO USED TO SUCH LIFE that in the future u will DEMAND such life too.