Thursday, November 15, 2007

Attracted To Guys Who Have Their Own Transportation, is that a criteria for u?

from FP

from the thread starter:

"if he doesnt drive a car, you won't consider going out with him?recently, I have friends who tell me they only go out with guys who drives.Actually my bf just bought a car and I am afraid gers will be attracted to him"

What say you?

some ans

"That;s quite silly , being attracted by a guy because he drives... Big deal... What if he is an a-hole and drives a Porsche?Don't worry about your friends throwing themselves to your guy because he has a car... Only mind your guy not others. Don't get all paranoid and worried!"

"However, there are a lot of guys who have not spare a thought for the future of themselves and their partner. They just bought a car without considering the expenses that are involved. Do you want a guy who have a car but in debt and is not able to support you with all the basic necessities such as food, house etc...or do you want a guy who is able to support you with all the basic necessities, but do not have a car?"

"my so has to own and drive a "respectable" car (sports car or high end models) , i wont admit it to anyone, but i despise my ex cos he was driving a lousy carits just something i learnt to value as i grew older."

"Having a car really is a plus plus point for me. Coming from a family w/o car and suddenly someone is there to pick u up and drive u around. It's really nice to feel like a princess sometimes (for me). But then again, it depends on the guy, not the car."

i only have one sentence, make it an asset not a liability.

it Might be car=status symbol or sometimes it's just out of mere interest or work related.
But in the end, it depends on how the you provide and maintain the cost of having it.

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