Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i better start curbing my expenses if i want to upgrade myself
the average fees payable for some of the courses i am interested in

estimated breakdown will be

so a semester is around 6 mths..and it means i need to save around 4-5 k in 6 mths..
and i reckon that its better to have a year worth of savings for fees payable to even start the course, which means i need to have at least 10K to even begin with.

i've told dear about my grand master plan and he supports me so now ... and all else have to wait.
its decision making soon...
SOON! (makes a mental note)
i dont want to be stuck in a rut.
i think when you are using your own money to study, you will really study for it.
Its then u realise how precious money and time is.. and how important education is.
I know some of my friends actually discouraged me from studying, citing the cost of education against the actual pay increase and the job prospects.
They were saying that my current job's has a steady pay raise though slow advancement yet high stability..
I cant forsee myself doing the same thing for ten years to come.
BUT if i start my studies, i think i better stay put and endure.. unless there's better offers?
maybe i should start looking at job offers again soon..
But thinking of it.. how much can a poly cert get anyway? 1.3-1.7? tsk tsk
Uni grad's average pay i noticed for those around me is around 2.6 -2.8 and is getting better due to the robust economy.
I hate thinking about such things and getting myself demoralised but its better to face the cold hard truth about the world out there.

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