Sunday, July 30, 2006

SUn morning Ritual

SUn morning ritual


read a few interesting articles in both Lifestyle and Sunday TIMes

The Age of Narcissism VS "BO-CHap" attitude of youths here in spore towards Singapore's Proress

The evolution of the BLOG
from becoming an online dairy to being "extensions of someone's ego" or just reaching out to people

Blogs depends on the writers and bloggers nowadays as how the article puts it are " becoming too narcissistic, doing self-publicity"

Hmm.. i see no wrong in publicing ourselves.
its being comfortable with who we are, a venue to express ourselves and for our thoughts that in real life we cant find the courage to say it out.

I love this paragraph

"", a world where ordinary folk are empowered by unconventional channels of exposure, resulting in a culture of "me, me, me" where self-expression borders on self-indulgence"

leading to

"they spawn a new generation who does not think beyond itself"

I do not really believe in that ..
being narcissist does not mean one is just being concern about oneself ..
its just like a hobby to me, blogging out your thoughts and everyday life.
its an outlet for expression, platform for friends to keep in contact with.
Its like an archive of events for people to look back and reflect on.

Being narcissistic means you are confident of yourself.
Although it might lead to scrutinizing from the other readers, I feel we shouldnt care about what others think.

For me, I think i'm quite an expressive person, online that is because i find that i function better with words.
simple reason
if i like the way i look, i take a pic, i post it, i feel good about myself
boost my ego

different people has different uses for their blogs.
we shouldnt limit to what people can do with their blogs.

its up to the readers whether THEY WAN TO READ OR NOT.
dont like it
dont read it
dont critize it

and the "BOCHAP" attitude of Singapore's teens

82% of youths said school is boring "most" or "some of the time"
53% of youths would consider migrating
1 in 10 is interested in politics

I feel that its the environment we are brought up in.
The government has over time built an UNBRELLA over all of us.. cause us to rely on the government for most issues..
the thinking becomes this, "if there are any issues, government will be able to address for us"
We are born in a society with a self sufficient government, a prosperous society compared to most Asian countries.
We do not have the undergo the "trying times" of singapore maybe that's why we do not feel as attached to SIngapore, not like the "age of the baby boomers"

A positive and "loyal" attitude towards the country needs to be cultivated
it is not too late to instill those kind of values in today's teens

the government and the educational system need to find the proper channels and materials to instill in US



my two cents.. may not be making any sense :P

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