Woke at 7am and brought Snoopi out for a walk to Jurong lake with mum around 9am. Before I even started on the footpath of Jurong lake, the journey there seemed too tedious for Snoopi that he actually laid on the grass path and refused to budge -_-
And so we walked, from lakeside to chinese garden mrt station then around the neighbourhood to look at some pet shops and then went over to the market to buy lunch and later walked back home again.
So the journey to and fro took us more than 2 hrs hahah, good exercise I must say though snoopi had to stop quite often.. tsk tsk
Mum bought vegetarian chicken drumstick too lol.. though in my opinion, I still prefer the real deal.
We reached home and had lunch before I started on Snoopi's maintenance, with the cleaning of ears, beard and nails etc, then bathed and shaved him with the new kit and by the time I finished all, it was around 3+ in the afternoon. Luckily mum helped me to hold that frisky fellow when I was trying to shave him. hmm it doesnt look too bad afterall hahah we were quite satisfied with the result, at least I think Snoopi's fur looks presentable and not as messy as before ahhaha
Brought Mum to try the wasabi filetOfish in the evening and I bought the show "money no enough 2" hehheh, shall review after I watched it.
And so another day is ending.. without me noticing..
I need to sit down to start making notes again.. >< "Calling for motivation, where art thou?"
making himself comfortable in my study room
he will grab his pillow and bolster to sleep and his fav sof toy cow
fur on his back was trimmed as short as possible, i tried to leave a line on his body, leaving the curtain at the bottom, seems like the fur length at the bottom aint even, next time shall trim again
i still love his chest fur.
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