Thursday, October 09, 2008

Bye Bye Boredom

taken from LIFE 9th oct 2008

How does one cope with the mundane?
By finding a different angle and applying curiousity.

I copied and paraphrased some paragraphs which I liked

"only boring people get bored. You have to find another angle."

"mining for meaning.. in every situation is fundamentally existentialist. You have to find a new direction that is interesting."

"But what does the suspension of boredom actually mean, in real terms?"

"Curiousity is the antidote of boredom"

"types of boredom: soporific and one that co-exists paradoxically with its antidote:curiousity which happens when curiosity is mild"

and thus being curious is good, makes you want to find out things, find out different angles to matters

and I am curious to do more things still

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