highly recommend the Samsui CHicken with comes with lettuce and cucumbers and their speciality ginger sauce.
i am not a seafood fan but since dad loves it so ordered tofu prawns for him which is cooked in chilli sauce similar to those of chilli crab hahaha
back to the topic..
pic from the official website
do not misuse..
this is for my own personal reference
Its about two civil servants with vast backgrounds and qualifications and different approaches to how things should be done..
after they exchanged bodies then they realised the kind of "troubles" each original character faced and the kind of effects their decisions brought about.
They became more understanding, more compassionate for either character and tried to resolve the predicaments faced by the individual previously and also the whole department
Some of the scenes were hilarious, etc the "BLACK N WHITE" and the "arrow shooting" parts
HOWEVER it does hold some truth in it..
With the various levels above you, you cant afford to make mistake and you have to gain many approvals before you can actually carry out some decision or action .. and to PREVENT some levels from misinterpreting your actions or to make sure your actions are being kept in the "KNOW", people will CC and BCC to various people.
IN CASE some of the superiors say "i did not know about that" and thus will try to push their responsibilties away leaving you to fend for yourself if it goes awry.
The movie also taught values like "Filial Piety"
By giving your parents money aint enough to qualify for "Filial Piety".
Ask yourself, when's the last time you sat down to really talk to them or listen to their worries and concerns or just to make some small talk or plain gossiping?
When was the last time you did something for them beside giving them allowances?
What parents want aint just fufilling their material needs, they have their emotional needs too.
Sometimes what they need is just someone to be there to listen to them...or just having a proper dinner together AS a family.
oh another thing that the movie taught.
"learning is a neverending process"
that's my signature sign-off in my email.
Always keep yourself updated, either in general affairs or your qualifications.
SPore has been importing so many foreign talent and its a matter of time whereby i THINK alot of industries will be runneth over by them.
THe caused the public to have its fears and thats why the government has been placing empasis on priorities on "its own people" when it comes to welfare and jobs to quell their fears recently.
Overall.. i like it.
Shall give it 3.5/5
now i should go back to pondering over what i want to do with my life..
i'm still lost for a heading..
and i have been saying that for the past months..
and i hate the predicament i am in.
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