Dear came to fetch me after my lessons and we went to the TIANFU Steamboat at Tanjong Katong for supper hahahha -_-
MALA and SATAY soup base ... lethal combination but we still love it.
Saturday 140209
Accompanied dear to school for his lessons in the morning and I brought along his laptop to do some work while waiting for him to finish class.
After his class, we went over to Parkway Parade Shopping centre for grocery shopping!
Dear has planned to make dinner for us for V day, away from the maddening crowd.
He has planned SHABU SHABU Hotpot woh.. with lots of meat..
Went back his place and rested awhile then dear prepared all the ingredients for dinner le~
Extremely satisfying~ steamboat the night before, Shabu Shabu for V day hahahah
Dear then accompanied me back to my place.
Oh my parents went 二人世界 on V day too hahaha
They went on a one day tour to Malaysia
now who say "老夫老妻" cannot be romantic? :P
Sunday 160209
Woke around 8am then went to the market near my place for lunch before dear took bus back home.. simple celebration amid our busy schedules make us appreciate each other more.
dear got me a POLAROID CAMERA!lol! I was wanting one some time back and he got it for me for V DAY.
Dear lost his wallet recently.. the Braun Buffel wallet which I had gotten him for christmas two years I got him another Braun Buffel for V day.
Hope he'lll be happier.
At TIANFU steamboat
Grocery shopping~
Seasoning and soup stock for SHabu SHabu pot
Shabu shabu Pot~
seaseme sauce for dipping
there's beef, pork and "black pork" serious. it wrote 黑猪肉
and it tasted better than the normal pork
Our gifts~
I custom made this for dear.. with us and snoopi too~
dear's wallet.
my polaroid camera~
he said for my scrapbooking :)
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