Dear came to pick me after school on friday and we went supper at East Coast Food centre before heading for alittle night fishing. It feels good to just having the cool sea breeze in my face..
Saturday morning was spent at ParkWay Parade.. dear brought me to buy present... spectacles! lol we chose from a few frames before deciding on one. After choosing, I went to check my degrees.. when the person told me, my degrees was close to none -_- so no need spectacles.
Its only 0 and 75.. dear was feeling kinda sad cause his plan failed ah I did not realise my degrees dropped.
Anyway, after that, we went Marina Square and my treat for dear was KENKO fish spa and massage lol our first time for both.
Dear was worried... as he was ticklish. BUT we survived LOL. Proud of dear.. lol and the massage was good.. as usually I have low tolerance for pain but it wasnt that bad afterall..
Shall try the full body massage soon.
And we had Seoul Garden beforewe went to watch GI JOE. Luckily we booked tickets in the morning already.. it was full house till midnight..
GI JOE was GREAT! much better than Harry potter >< I still prefer action movies. Graphic was great, plot was engagin till the end.
Before the show.. we walked past all those UFO catcher machines.. then dear decided to try out of curiousity. And he caught one with 3 tries LOL.
This anniversary...I felt like we were relieving our early dating yrs.. especially during his NS days..
Despite the seriousness in me, its good to let down my hair and be young again :P
Dear always mention that we should enjoy life.
That I agree, BUT I wont just enjoy the present, I will live and plan for the future too heh.
dear's mum came back from Hokkaido and got us this kissing mossball LOL
busy fishin for sotong~
Breakfast at Parkway
KENKO fish spa
washing our feet first.
looking on...
ticklish LOL
there were a few ponds.. we couldnt take one of the ponds though -_- too drastic for us..
the rest of the ponds with smaller fishes were more bearable
and we had the massage too ..
we felt so much better after that..
will go back for more.
Seoul Garden~ dear had craving for this
and dear caught this! luckY~
one more to my collection LOL.
so now.. I have a dog, a bear, hippo, cow, monkey and now a dolphin
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