but there are still events worth recapping.
Met my JC friends after a decade!
I learnt to groom snoopi myself hah
Celebrated more birthdays
Attended WY's ROM
Attended my friend's baby shower! twin boys~
Went Kelong
Cooked more often
(especially when parents went Korea)
Bf's Birthday Chalet
(which I organised and paid for.. plus his cake and gifts and dinner treat :P)
My birthday with family and a few close friends, simple but content.
Mum's 50th birthday, which I gave her pearl necklace and earrings
(though costed me quite a few hundreds, nothin beats the satisfaction of her wearing it nowadays)
And we finally went to the "other side of the bridge" for shopping and makaning
Basically I think bf and I toned down alot, less fanciful dinners/presents except for celebrations.
Bf and I made a pact this year.. to DRINK LESSER, I think I drank 4 times the WHOLE year and only a few glasses and that's that. I mean what for getting drunk and suffering hangovers. I think I've enough. Another lifestyle choice that I choose to make.
And NO clubbing for us. Save the hassle and prevention of *misunderstanding* and of course save money.
Used to cost me like 50-100 to drink or club.. gah. I dont believe in getting free drinks/favours.
Resolutions from 2009
I think I fulfilled most of my resolutions set from last year
only my grades suffered for the latest sem BUT it seems that it went down across the board
Savings hit 5 digits in a year too :)
Resolutions for next year 2010
Be Happy
(think I got too stressed over work and studies and it got me all angst)
Maintain close relationships with family
Maintain close/loving relationship with dear
(though we have less time, its the quality that counts :P)
Pull up my grades
(and I left one more year to finish my degree! *prays*)
Better handle work ..need to be more proactive
Keep in contact with more ppl especially those long lost
Save more.. my aim is 40K in 3 years
Hopefully all goes well.
Looking forward to 2010 and beyond!